Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reading for the school year...

You should have received your letter from either Mrs. Rumsey or Mrs. Surridge by now. To find out more about who you will be reading with this school year, check out the class blogs:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Time for August Reading!

Can you believe it's August already? The good news is that there is still plenty of time to read before school starts! (Quinley is getting as much reading in during August as she can. She likes to read behind the couch.)

You should be receiving a letter from either Mrs. Rumsey or myself telling you whose class you will be in soon--either this week or early next week. We are both very excited to know who we will be hanging out with and we are looking forward to talking about the books you all are reading.
I just finished a book called How to Steal a Dog and I really enjoyed it! It was probably my favorite fiction book this summer. Now I am reading Project Mulberry about a Korean girl and American boy who create a project around silkworms. One cool part about the book is that between each chapter the author has a conversation with the main character--so I am getting to see what the author was thinking as she was writing the book!

I was super excited to see a post from Emma and also from Sam and Sarah's whole family!!

Emma said: hey peep's!!!
I'm so excited to start 3rd grade.I wonder what teacher I'm going to have but I know they are both great teachers. see you soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are looking forward to seeing you too, Emma!

The Dubois Family said: Hi 3rd Grade Teachers! Mom has been reading the most, she has read Adam by Ted Dekker, she likes the freaky stuff. She also likes Harlan Coben and finished Caught another suspense thriller. She also read Windmills of the Gods, an old (1987) book by Sidney Sheldon. Right now she is reading Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, which she agrees with Mrs. S that while interesting, some of the background info is a bit foreign. Dad is reading a Dale Carnegie book - he likes anything inspirational! Sam just finished The Grosse Adventures, by Annie Auerbach. Sam liked the adventure, the characters and especially the rocket. Sarah is reading Voyage on the Great Titanic (part of a Dear America series-they may not be published yet-she is reading a Proof). Sarah likes the main character, Margaret Ann Brady because she is generous and kind. Seth is reading Top of the Order by John Coy - of course it is a book about baseball!! Still enjoying our summer break, but can't wait to hear which teachers we have this year. The DuBois Family It is so cool that the whole family is reading together! I can't wait to hear more!

So, keep reading and checking back here to see what everyone else is reading.